Editing Certificate - George Brown College
Grammar for Editors and Writers (Fred Betterman)
Structural and Stylistic Editing (Berna Ozunal)
Copy Editing (Fred Betterman)
Production Editing (Meghan Behse)
Proofreading (Kristine Thornley)
Editing Today: Beyond Traditional Publishing (Greg Ioannou)
Editorial Placement (Faze Magazine)
Publishing Certificate - Toronto Metropolitan University (in progress)
Trade Publishing Overview
Educational Publishing Overview
Introduction to Book Design (Ingrid Paulson)
Trade Books: Fiction (Gillian Rodgerson)
Production for Books, Journals and Reports (Jacqueline Hope Raynor & Hartley Millson)
Digital Publishing and Production (Laura Ann Brady)
Indexing for Books, Journals and Reports (Alexandra Peace)
Accessible Publishing and Production (Laura Brady)
Master of Arts - York University
Cinema and Media Studies with a focus on French popular cinema of the 1980s and 90s
Bachelor of Science Honours - University of Toronto
Double major in Human Biology and Cinema Studies
Treasurer for Editors Toronto 2021 - 2023
Volunteer Copy Editor for BoldFace
Certification Marking Volunteer
Conference Committee Member 2021, 2023 - 2024
Seminars taken with Editors Canada include:
Manuscript Evaluation (Greg Ioannou)
Developmental Editing (Allison K Williams)
Copy Editing Essentials & Lessons (Moira White)
Copy Editing for Sci-Fi/Fantasy (Kristy Gilbert)
Copy Editing Dialogue in Fiction (Amy J. Schneider)
Grammar: It's More Than Just a Gut Feel (Margaret Chandler)
Punctuation, Period! (Frances Peck)
Practical EBook Production (Meghan Behse)
Academic Editing Beyond Basics (Mary Rykov)
Working with Self-Published Authors (Dick Margulis)
Editing Children's Books (Heidi Fiedler (through Editorial Freelancers Association))
Mastering Editorial Style Sheets (Amy J. Schneider)